Family Picture
Oh dear friends! How can Lincoln almost be 6 weeks old? Where has the time gone? I feel like he was just born! Can it really be that he is this old?! I have really enjoyed my time off from work, getting to watch him grow and explore! But sadly, I must get ready to go back. It has been an on going battle for me, but I have to get back into the swing of things! Lincoln will be spending his afternoons with his GiGi until his daddy gets home. I know he will be in good hands, but it doesn't make it any easier! This is our Easter picture, a little late post, but hey! Oh and will some of my sweet friends take a picture of Linclon and I? The only one I have is from the hospital with my face all swollen! I don't want Lincoln growing up thinking his mommy looked like that all through his childhood! For those of you who have never met Brian, you can now see why I say they look exactly alike! Love Trish, Brian and Linc