Dear faithful blogger readers,
There has been an incident. Please see the pictures and descriptions below.

Lincoln likes the camera. We can't keep him away from it. Our intention was to get him a "kid-proof" one for his birthday next month. As you can see, he takes pretty good pics...does anyone need a picture of a golf club to place in a magazine, cause this one is pretty cool!

And he is great at getting the detail of things too. I mean just look at the way the flash bounces off the black background. That takes talent.

And people...he is fantastic at catching you at all the right moments! However, this is the last picture that was taken by my camera...EVER. You see, shortly after this shot was taken, the camera fell to the ground and died. The lens is shattered, the zoom has seen better days and the view-finder can't seem to find anything anymore. (If I had a camera I would take a picture to show you, but alas, IT DOESN'T WORK!!!) So, I will leave you with the two pictures below because, until I get my $13 bonus in each paycheck, (as promised by President Broccoli - this is what Lincoln thinks his name is) we will no longer be taking pictures!

Sweet baby Miller has no idea that Lincoln is running circles around her. Ahh to sleep like a baby!!

He is proudly displaying his new movie. Brian is cracking up about Linc's hair...why?! I think he looks like a rock star!
So, check back in a few weeks...maybe I will have received my money by then and we will be in the market for a new camera. Until then....
Love, Trish Brian Linc and Mills
Oh, and for those of you keeping score, that is now
1 flat screen TV
2 DVD players
1 baby swing
1 camera
that our sweet angel has destroyed. Either I need to keep a better eye on him, or we need to not have nice things anymore.
lol... OMG Trish and Brian, I SO don't mean to laugh, but I can't help it! First of all, the pics along with your description of them are too funny and then the list of things damaged in the little guy's "path of toddler destruction" ... OMG-- I can SO feel your pain-- especially having all of my little ones on the loose and into anything & everything! They seem to be on a truly "search & destroy" mission... UGH!
These toddler years are DEFINITELY tough! Hang in there... we'll all thru them! :) For now, try to stay a step ahead of them & tie down & secure everything you can ... I'm trying to do the same!
May the force be with you... lol. Oh the JOYS! :) Take care of you! :)
I have never laughed so hard! You crack me up. I'm so sorry about the player etc. My crew doesn't seem to break things as much as lose them! We have "just misplaced" the cord that goes from the camera to the computer. So no pictures for us either. I guess I'm going to have to buy one with the 13 dollars too. You get the camera and I'll get the cord and then we will tie up the children! :) Just Kidding!
I have an old camera that you can borrow until you get a new one. And Lincoln is not allowed at my house until warmer weather can keep them outside :) Just kidding, we've had our fair share of incidents as well!
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