Lincoln and Miller

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Baby Shower #2

Beth and Jenny threw Lincoln and I a wonderful baby shower today! A little snow and ice showed up, but overall, there was a fantastic turnout! Thanks to everyone who came to see us! We now have everything we need to have a baby! The food was great and the company was better! Aunt Pat and Gail even got to come down! I am so happy to see them both! Hopefully they will get to come back after he gets here! Only 28 days until he is due to see everyone! I am still hopeful that he will be here in 3 days!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Not that much bigger...right?!

I came across some pictures from Christmas and saw how big I was. Then, I found some pictures from last week...I don't think I am that much bigger now am I?! Not a word Mom!
We took Lincoln to Bon Jovi last night. I think he enjoyed the show! He has now heard Elton John, Big and Rich, and Bon Jovi! We wanted to make sure that our son got a very diverse experience with music at a young age. All the experts say you should expose them to music right?!

Baby Shower

What wonderful friends I have! The super six put together a fantastic shower for Lincoln and I! Thanks to Kristen for allowing everyone to pile into her house! It is so nice to be with friends celebrating! Brian, Lincoln and I got lots of great gifts! We are ready for him to come and see us! Darci, Erin, Emily, Jilayne, Catrina, Kristen and Heidi...thank you so much for the rocker! I know we will have many nights rocking ourselves to sleep!
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Count down for Lincoln Tyler

We have 40 days until the arrival of our son Lincoln Tyler. Of course we would both love to see him a little earlier...may Feb 22?! Just a guess on our part! Really it correlates well with Brian's Olympic Break, so we are hoping! We think we are ready for him to be here, however, we have no bedding, no diapers and most importanly no car seat! Oh well, no one is ever that prepared right?!