Lincoln and Miller
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Surf, Sun and Summer Fun
We had a busy summer, but we had a nice end to it by spending some time at the beach to wrap it all up! The kids had a great time! Miller loved the water, ate plenty of sand and caught some rays. Lincoln spent his time building sand castles, surfing and splashing in the pool. Brian and I had a great time "relaxing"...whatever that means when you have 2 young ones to keep up with! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Somehow I got these 2 beautiful children!

Other than the photo shoot, we have been keeping very busy! Brian is taking his job in stride and I am making the most of mine. The kids have been enjoying the late summer nights, cool treats and all the swiming they can handle!
We hope everyone is doing well! Until the next post....
Love, Trish, Brian, Linc and Mills.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Did you think we were gone?!
We are still here...sorry it has been so long since I have posted! Some news...Brian and I started new jobs, Miller started rice cereal and quickly moved on to baby food, Lincoln has one more week of school, and of course, we took our yearly trip to Disney (that will be another post for another day!) So, we have been very busy! Here are some pictures of what we have been doing!
Ok, I will try to post more...I know you are dying to see the Disney pictures! We did have a wonderful time, however, it was much more work than we were prepared for...guess that is what happens when you have 2 kiddos!
Have a great week and a Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Trish, Brian, Lincoln and Miller
Thursday, March 26, 2009
We have a 3 year old!
Wow! I can't believe Linc is 3! He had a wonderful birthday! We are going to have a hard time explaining that birthdays don't usually last 5 days, but for now, we will spoil him! Here are some pictures of his big weekend!
On Thursday, we asked our family to meet us at Chuck-e-cheese to celebrate a day early. He had a blast!
Here they are putting out the fire. It was hard work!
And he loved the jet ski! He was pretty good at it!
On Friday, we picked him up early from school and took him to McDonalds. He played, ate his chicken nuggets and had a little apple pie!
Then we headed to Grammy and Pop's. Grammy made this awesome cake for Linc. It was yummy!

This is how we started Saturday. In my delusional mind, I decided he would magically be potty trained the day after his 3rd birthday. I will be honest, I am terrified about potty training! But, I put these awesome undies on him and prayed for the best. He did pretty good. However, we are FAR from trained! We will keep working on it!
Grandpa and GiGi gave us a family pass to the zoo for Linc's birthday. So, off we went! He loved showing daddy all the funny animals!
Unfortunately, I did not snap any pics of Lincoln on his new swing set. Grandpa and GiGi gave him an awesome playground. He asks every day "when can we go play at GiGi's playground?"
In other news, Lincoln and Miller both went for their check ups. Lincoln was 34 pounds, 39 inches. He is healthy and escaped getting any shots. Miller was 13 lbs 10 oz and 24 inches. She is also super healthy but did not escape getting any shots. However, she did great! We got the green light to start rice cereal. She LOVES it!!! Hopefully this will help her gain a little weight and help her sleep through the night! Please sleep through the night!!!!
She loves her daddy!
We were fortunate enough to have some nicer weather today, so Darci invited us over to play. We call them playdates, but it is really the only time Darci and I get to chitty chat. It is generally interrupted several times by our little buddies. Today was a different story! These boys played so hard and never bothered us once! Here they are jumping off what appears to be the highest cliff in the world, but was really on 2 feet high! They loved it!
A belly flop! They were so dirty! Thanks Darci for letting us get a bath before we headed home!
I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone who has kept us in your thoughts. I know that our time will come and things will get better. We are do appreciative of our supportive friends and family! We love you all! Trish, Brian, Lincoln and Miller
I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to everyone who has kept us in your thoughts. I know that our time will come and things will get better. We are do appreciative of our supportive friends and family! We love you all! Trish, Brian, Lincoln and Miller
Monday, March 09, 2009
Short end of the stick!
Everyone with more than one child told me that the second would have a smaller photo gallery. No way I thought! I will take just as many pictures of Miller as I did of Lincoln. Boy were they right!!! I love this little girl, but it has occured to me that I had triple the number of pics of Linc by this age! Has it really been 4 months since Mills finished out my beautiful family?! Wow!! So here are some pictures of Miller...just trying to keep things even...yeah right!! (Thanks Aunt Bethy for letting me borrow the camera...still waiting on my $13 from the US gov!)
I had to add this picture of Brian. The Preds had their annual Gala...this years theme DISCO!!! He looked great! Love you hot stuff...chest hair and all!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Get out and enjoy this fantastic weather! I know we will! Play date anyone?!
Love, Trish, Brian, Linc and Mills